The Testament of Sister New Devil, Demon King’s contractor, began as a series of light novels written by Tetsuto Uesu and illustrated by Nekosuke Okuma. Kadokawa Shoten started serialization in 2012 and has published a total of 12 volumes to date. Due to its popularity, you soon chose the LN series to adapt two manga and anime. The anime debuted in January 2015, following the June OVA episode of the year. After that, Production IMS released the second show in October 2015 and released two more OVA episodes in the next few years.
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Proof of New Sister Devil’s Contractor Season 3: Renewal update
Harlem animation of Production IMS has gained a lot of support mainly because of its naughty elements. Both seasons of the show received low critical reviews but were commercially successful for the producer. Viewers often compare plot similarity to High School DxD. However, it became popular when both the season and the OVA episode were released. As a result, the demand for the new sister Demon King’s contractor Season 3 has increased.
However, Production IMS or other companies involved in the program’s Production have not announced the update. Well, that doesn’t even confirm the cancellation of the show. But one of the main threats to the future of anime lies in its original material. The testament of sister new devil season 3 contractor light novel series has already ended, with Volume 12 released in April 2018.
Proof of Season 3 of the New Sister Devil’s Contractor
Since then, the author Tetsuto Uesu has not released a new chapter in the original light novel. In addition, the final volume has also completed the main part of the LN series. Now that the source material is complete, there is no content to advertise in the anime adaptation. Adaptation often acts as an advertisement for each source material. Sadly, the New Sister Devil’s Contractor the New Sister Devil’s Contractor Season 3 has no purpose to return. But given the popularity of the show, the new season can survive on its own.
One of the key elements of anime adaptation reform is the amount of original material that has not yet been adopted. As a result, anime is often canceled due to a lack of content. Fortunately, New Sister Devil’s Contractor New Sister Devil’s Contractor Season 3 has many new episode contents. There are a total of 12 volumes in the original light novel series. The first season covered all three volumes, and season four adapted the next four volumes.
Therefore, the new sister Demon King’s contract season 3 still has about five volumes of adaptations. The plot for the new season may follow Volume 8 of the LN series. The sequel can conclude the anime story.
What about the plot for the new season?
The story of the popular anime series is centered on high school student Tojo Basara. When his father remarries, he hires two cute sisters-in-law, Mio and Maria Narce. However, when his father goes abroad, Basara discovers that his sisters are not ordinary humans but part of the devil’s clan. When this secret is revealed, Basara’s life will be overturned. Because he now has two that protect both from the other demons.
Shinmai maou no testament season 3, you can see that Mio’s father, the former Demon King, was alive. Therefore, it turns out that Basara is a cousin of Mio and Maria (who have been revealed to be true sisters). After a fierce battle, Basara and his girls return to the human world, but a battle breaks out between Maria and Zest. After that, he was invited by Basara from a school nurse of the Hasegawa school to go on a trip. From the appearance, the new season seems to have more naughty content than the previous article.
Shinmai maou no testament season 3: Release Date
Production IMS has not yet renewed Contract Season 3 of the New Sister Demon King, so it is currently difficult to predict the release date. However, even if the green flag arrives this year, it can take a year to produce the sequel. For now, it seems likely that a mid-to-late 2022 release date will come.