
New Dragonfly Update for World of Warcraft. Briefly about The Main Changes.

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Soon, players will find a new update in the World of Warcraft called Dragonfly – what awaits the players and how it is being prepared – in this article.

Level cap increase

If in the last update the maximum level was level 60, then in the new Dragonfly the final bar will increase to level 70. While there is time before the release of the update, players should take care of restoring their characters, if this has not been done before.

Due to the small amount of time, beginners should spend time on Shadowlands quests and dungeons or order dragonflight power leveling on a special site in order to approach the study of new content on an equal footing with everyone else, where even experienced players will be on an equal footing with beginners.


New race

Players will be introduced to a new race and class – the Drakaris. The character will be a mixture of a human and a dragon with the ability to change appearance – the new race will start the game path in new lands, which we will talk about later, and have a mixed specialization – the ability to heal allies and incinerate the enemy in the form of a dragon.

The race will not be tied to a faction and is available to both the Horde and the Alliance.


New lands

The developers will add four islands associated with dragons, each of which will have its own species and one common capital – Valdraken. In the main city of the update, there will be four districts dedicated and made in the style of each of the four types of dragons, each district will have its own auction.

To go to the dragon islands, you need to go to the bays of the cities of Orgrimmar or Stormwind. From there, representatives of their factions will travel together, but only on the archipelago will they disperse to different courts.

Quest system

For the first character you enter in the Dragonfly update, there will be a linear storyline where you have to go through all four islands of the archipelago and help the NPCs in search of knowledge and solve the problems of the island.

Flying pets

There are many hills and mountains on the islands, and players can conquer and saddle a dragon with the ability to use it as a transport, pumping their rider and flying skills in parallel. A player who spent little time in the air can easily be knocked out of the saddle, while an experienced one can not only stay on the back of the dragon but also perform aerobatic maneuvers and attack enemies on horseback.

With the increase in the level of the dragon, it will be possible to customize and improve it according to your preferences.

Changing the professional system

Now, all artisans will be able to interact with other players by completing their orders.

A player who has a special recipe will be able to create an order for the creation of an item and wait for the response of the artisan.

The player must optionally indicate the cost of the work and add materials, otherwise, the blacksmith will work for free and use his materials, but pump skills.

All artisans will be able to choose a specialization within their profession and gain additional skills that affect the quality of the created armor and give them special characteristics.

Also, crafters will be able to change the characteristics of the armor, and if you come across armor that is not suitable for the parameters of your class, do not rush to throw it away, contact the blacksmith.

Now in World of Warcraft Dragonfly, special equipment for professionals and artisans will be available. It will improve professional skills and will not take up space in your inventory. The equipment will be automatically applied to the character when working with the corresponding craft and after being removed.

Such equipment will significantly improve the quality of manufactured goods.

Updated talent system

Previously, the talent system was strictly tied to the level and points that the player received and invested in special skills, now with the new system there will be more points and the player will not be so severely punished as a spoiled character if skills are invested incorrectly. The system of distribution and improvement of game skills will be improved.

Processing of the visual component

In addition to updating the graphics, the HUD and interface will also be redesigned with an emphasis on new, larger, and modern monitors.

Now the interface takes up less space with proper information content.

The parameters and requirements for hardware have not grown much due to optimization.

A new professional interface and many other windows have been added for ease of navigation for new and experienced players.

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